Following the conclusion of the Student Pupil Government (SPG) elections on Friday, September 22, 2023, a new generation of Isidorean leaders was chosen. Before the election, candidates from the Progressive Party and the Dynamic Party ran a three-day campaign to introduce themselves to Isidoreans, share their platforms, and highlight their leadership potential. They were aided in this endeavor by their advisers, Teacher Erika Reyes and Sir Ronald Valencia. Class advisers from every grade level led the actual voting process on election day. Following the casting of all votes, Sir Adrian Fuertes and the faculty members completed the vote tallying.
The Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) Election victors were declared on Monday, September 25, 2023, during the Flag Ceremony. The school principal, Teacher Arcelita J. Gaspar, the teachers, and the in-attendance Isidoreans invited the chosen SPG Officers for the 2023–2024 school year forward and congratulated them.
Here’s the list of the SPG Officers for SY 2023-2024:
President: Tan, Daphne Angelyn L.
Vice President: Lorenzo, Zoe Hikari
Secretary: Olana, Chaniel Alexah L.
Historian: Gonzales, Sabrina Angela
Isidoreans’ involvement in the election of the new set of school leaders provided them with an additional chance to influence their learning settings, acquire useful leadership experience, and enhance the school community. Way to go Isidoreans and SPG champs!